
Friday, July 25, 2014

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor letter

I got a letter from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor after I wrote her a letter describing about myself with interests in ideas for reform for the criminal justice and why I like history. In my letter I also send my congrats to her for being nominated in May 2009 and how I like her stance on protecting the 4th amendment, support rights for minorities along with people with different preferences, and others. I even told her how I enjoy reading her memoir "My Beloved World." It is my 1st time receiving a letter from a Supreme Court justice.

Justice Sotomayor really moved me in her letter and I learn that she majored in history. 

I explained to her my strong interest in studying history, some business, and learning about the criminal justice system because I am interested in using what I learn to find ways to work on ideas to reform the system, learn the benefits of how government along with people from different background like minorities, gender, people with disabilities, and people with different sexual preference work to make a difference to end discrimination, and to understand the need for not to repeat the same mistakes in past events . I took Intro To Criminal Justice back in winter semester. In my class I learn a lot about the law enforcement, court system, and some of the laws. When taking the class I felt disturbed by the unfair parts in the system. However, when studying these issues it made me become interested in learning to find new ideas and ways to fix the system or reform the system.  My ideas for judicial reform is alternative sentencing for juveniles and for people who commit victimless crimes, treatment programs for drug users to reduce drug rates, more rights for juveniles when they enter the court system, more campaign finance reform, protect people’s civil liberties from being violated.
Justice Sotomayor I started reading your book called “My Beloved World”. Your book is really good. I enjoy learning more about your life on how you worked hard to battle juvenile diabetes, coming from a middle class family, and going through the Judicial system career. Your work in the court system and in the Supreme Court is very good in the country and I’m proud of you. Also I’m proud of your stance on protecting 4th amendment, supporting campaign finance reform, extend right to minorities along with people who are different preferences, people having the right to healthcare under Affordable Care Act which helped me stayed on my parent’s health insurance until I turn 26, and supporting women’s rights.  Best luck on serving on the Supreme Court and using fair and balance judgment instead of ideology.

Here is a copy of my letter to her:
July 9, 2014   

Madam Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Supreme Court of the United States of America
1 First St. NE
Washington D.C. 20543

Dear Justice Sotomayor,

I want to congratulate on your nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States on May 2009.  My name is Matthew Winick who has a strong interest in studying history, some business, and learning about the criminal justice system because I am interested in using what I learn to find ways to work on ideas to reform the system, learn the benefits of how government along with people from different background like minorities, gender, people with disabilities, and people with different sexual preference work to make a difference to end discrimination, and to understand the need for not to repeat the same mistakes in past events . I took Intro To Criminal Justice back in winter semester. In my class I learn a lot about the law enforcement, court system, and some of the laws. When taking the class I felt disturbed by the unfair parts in the system. However, when studying these issues it made me become interested in learning to find new ideas and ways to fix the system or reform the system.  My ideas for judicial reform is alternative sentencing for juveniles and for people who commit victimless crimes, treatment programs for drug users to reduce drug rates, more rights for juveniles when they enter the court system, more campaign finance reform, protect people’s civil liberties from being violated.

Justice Sotomayor I started reading your book called “My Beloved World”. Your book is really good. I enjoy learning more about your life on how you worked hard to battle juvenile diabetes, coming from a middle class family, and going through the Judicial system career. Your work in the court system and in the Supreme Court is very good in the country and I’m proud of you. Also I’m proud of your stance on protecting 4th amendment, supporting campaign finance reform, extend right to minorities along with people who are different preferences, people having the right to healthcare under Affordable Care Act which helped me stayed on my parent’s health insurance until I turn 26, and supporting women’s rights.  Best luck on serving on the Supreme Court and using fair and balance judgment instead of ideology.


Matthew B. Winick 

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