
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ms. Patti LaBelle singer


Ms. Patti LaBelle

c/o Office of Ms. Patti LaBelle

Dear Ms. LaBelle,

My name is Matt Winick from Ann Arbor, Michigan and I’m a fan of your work as a singer and your activism. Some of my favorite songs that you sang were Gotta Go Solo, Love, Need, and Want You, A Chang is Gonna Come, You’ll Never Walk Alone, When You Have Been Blessed, New Attitude, and many others. Ms. LaBelle,  you do such an excellent job singing because I like on how you made some lyrics in your songs have creativity and some important messages of life. Also another reason I like your songs is how you make your songs have a message like the need for love, the importance of friendships when times are hard, a strong need for self love when there are difficult times, having faith when the world gets toxic, and many others. Besides your singing career, I like on how you are an activist on supporting civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes to reduce discrimination and support funds to help improve diversity in the arts to make them be a part of society. Also on your activism I like on how you use your role as an African American to help advocate for the need to help protect the African American community from discrimination along with express the need to reduce racial profiling. 

Ms. LaBelle, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Also another thing that I struggle with a disability is when I have difficulty maintaining friendships where I lose friends due to some friends, some peers of them, and adults get judgmental about me being different from them or have a disability. Sometimes I struggle to understand life when it gets challenge when I want to find ways to improve myself. Your support for civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes really inspires me to work hard on my disability.  Also some of your songs that have different messages helps give me some inspiration to try to understand life, learn the importance of self love when times get hard, have motivation to try to find different methods to improve myself, and many others. 

I strongly believe that you are a very talented singer.  You do such an excellent job making your songs have creativity with a nice message.  Also I truly appreciate on how you are an activist on improving society.  You have inspire me to work hard on my disability, be a fan of your music, and try to learn life. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a great difference, and inspiring me. Please continue to make a great difference and impact on music and society.


Matt Winick


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