
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Mr. John Rubinstein actor (Crazy Like A Fox tv show)



Mr. John Rubinstein

Eisenhower: THIS Piece of Ground (June 13 2023-July 30 2023)

c/o Theatre At St. Clements

423 W 46th Street

New York, NY  10036

Dear Mr. Rubinstein,

My name is Matt Winick from Ann Arbor, Michigan and I’m a fan of your acting. My favorite tv show that you starred in was Crazy Like a Fox. Crazy Like a Fox was a great comedy drama show about Harry Fox Sr., a PI detective who investigate cases while he works with his son Harrison Fox Jr. who is an attorney on his cases. Mr. Rubinstein, I thought you did an excellent job portraying as Harrison Fox Jr. because I liked on how you made him the different unique traits like using his skills as an attorney to help clients who can’t afford a lawyer, exploring different ways to help clients when they face some struggle with the criminal justice system being broken or when civil liberties get violated, and working with his father Harry Fox on exploring different evidence or cases to help prove that the person accused of a crime is innocent. What I like about Harrison Fox Jr. is how he works and has a relationship with his father Harrison Fox Sr. when they would have different methods or different approach to a case and how he works hard to improve himself when he faces different challenges. Also I enjoyed watching re-run episodes of season 1 through season 2 of Crazy Like a Fox.  The show had some messages like the need to help people who are disadvantaged or when they system fails them, the importance of working together to have some good results, and the need for better criminal justice reform including better protection of civil liberties.

Besides your acting career, I truly appreciate on how you are a strong supporter of civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes to reduce discrimination. Mr. Rubinstein, I have autism with a learning disability. Having a disability is hard for me because I have trouble comprehending on learning different advance subjects, sometimes I struggle to communicate my thoughts, and get teased.  Another thing that I struggle with a disability is when other people including other adults get judgmental about me being different from them and have struggles to find different methods to improve myself.  Also I had done teaching time to help me learn to speak while learn how to improve my behavior, spent time in special education to help me learn different subjects in education, and many others.  Your commitment to be a strong supporter of civil rights including people with disabilities’ rights causes really inspires me to work hard on my disability.  Also your character Harry Fox Jr. in Crazy Like a Fox helps give me motivation to continue to find different methods to improve myself when there are challenges and develop an interest in  criminal justice reform including civil liberties. In these main subjects, I like to learn the need for criminal justice reform to help protect people’s rights like drug treatment programs to help drug users get the care they need to reduce drug abuse including have better resources to investigate any wrongful conviction or misconduct in a c are that results in an innocent person to jail for a crime that they didn’t commit and have better protection of civil liberties like the 6th amendment to have the right to have a lawyer represent you along with know what you are being accused of or what evidence is against them. 

I strongly believe that you are a very talented actor.  You did such an excellent job making Harrison Fox Jr. in Crazy Like a Fox have different unique traits. You truly inspire me to work hard on my disability, be a fan of your acting including your activism,  continue to work hard to improve myself when there are challenges, and develop an interest in criminal justice reform including civil liberties. I was wondering if you could please take the time to answer some of my questions. I have provided a small donation to help your activism. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter, working hard to make a great difference, and inspiring me. Please continue to make a great difference.


Matt Winick

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